When we first began marketing ChopSaver, we showed the product at many trade shows including The NAMM Show, Bands of America, the Midwest Band and Orchestra Clinic as well as other music related events. We then started attending medical shows like the American Academy of Dermatology Annual Convention and the Dermatology Nurses’ Association Convention. We are almost certain ChopSaver is the only product seen at both major music industry trade events and major medical trade events. It bridges both worlds!

Now the news about ChopSaver is growing in a variety of ways. Beauty bloggers and moms are spreading the word. They appreciate our green, lip-friendly, earth-friendly product. Band kids are telling their friends about ChopSaver. Great musicians from around the world are endorsing ChopSaver and telling their colleagues about it. And doctors and nurses are telling their patients about ChopSaver. Word of mouth has proven to be extremely important in the growth of ChopSaver and continues to be a driving force. Visit www.chopsaver.com and check out who uses ChopSaver and why. Be part of the movement. Try it, love it, and talk about it!

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