While ChopSaver is still a small company, we do what we can to support causes we believe in. Many times it is a simple donation of product for a charity to use as they see fit. One of those is Casting for Recovery. Casting for Recovery is a national organization that sponsors 2 ½ day fly fishing retreats for women dealing with breast cancer. From ther website:


Offer a 21/2 day retreat for 14 women per retreat, at no cost to participants.

Provide fly-fishing instruction and breast cancer information in a setting that helps lessen isolation, providing a recreational activity with both physical and emotional benefits

Help participants go forward optimistically with new knowledge and new friends

Provide an experience that promotes coping and problem-solving skills

Provide methods to gain self-esteem, network, make new friends, and learn new skills as a commitment to the future.

Provide a forum to broaden understanding about breast cancer treatment and enable sharing among participants.

casting-for-recoveryJeff Conrad is a trumpet player and expert flyfisherman who often donates his time to help lead trips in Indiana.

“Casting For Recovery means a lot to me. Being able to bring the CFR participants even a moment of respite from the fear and worry of breast cancer is a worthy contribution. Beyond that, sharing our passion for this lifetime sport often helps them rediscover their own passion, which gets lost in the haze of fear and worry that comes from being told you have a life-threatening illness. We have been doing CFR retreats in Indiana since 2005, and many of the participants have continued to flyfish because ‘to fish is to hope’.”

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