Wow, a blog about New Year’s Resolutions, how original! Well, to be truthful, I have never made New Year’s resolutions myself. I figure any moment in any day in any year is as good a time as any to make a new decision, course correct and plan for a different future. In other words, why wait until January 1st to make a change in your life?

Businesses, however, are a slave to the calendar. Quarterly earnings, year-end reports, and monthly sales are all things successful business people must pay attention to and the start of a new year is that fresh slate we need to mark our progress. I recently read somewhere that it doesn’t have meaning if you don’t say it out loud. In other words, dreams kept close to the vest are easier to abandon than ones that are proclaimed to the world.

With that in mind, I am going to proclaim something to the world here – or at least the handful of you actually reading this. 2013 will be a big year for ChopSaver. It will be the year we make significant strides to finally be where I always have dreamed ChopSaver would be – sold in every store in America. In order to accomplish that, a thousand details have to come together. The right message, the right product and the right partners and yes, the money and investment necessary to take on such a task, all have to be in place. All of those things are beginning to come together and the next phase in our journey is now upon us.

Most products you see in any store are produced by large companies with deep pockets. But many are sold by small family owned companies and all of those “big” companies started as small companies, even if it was 100 years ago in some cases. ChopSaver, well, we’ve been cutting out teeth in the music world for eight years now and it is time to make that next jump to mass market success.

So this is both an announcement and an invitation to come along for the ride and perhaps even help us along the way. Do you love ChopSaver and the story behind it? Tell a friend about it. Better yet, tell the store manager where you shop about us. Tell them how different ChopSaver is, that ChopSaver is all-natural, and how some trumpet player created it in his kitchen. Tell them it is now used by musicians around the world and how it has even gained the endorsement of dermatologist around the country. You can even tell them the ChopSaver magic works on sore noses, bee stings, burns and diaper rash. As we increase our distribution, look for updates here and on our Facebook page. Thanks for joining us!

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