Notes From Dan, The ChopSaver Guy – Episode 1

First in a series – My Back Story (These simple, unedited videos are my way of starting a video archive of the story of ChopSaver Lip Care. My hope is you will find the story behind The World’s Greatest Lip Balm informative, entertaining, sometimes funny, sometimes sad, and maybe even inspiring. This first video is […]

Making Your Own Hand Sanitizer? Please Reconsider

(The following is a guest post by trusted friend of ChopSaver and Certified Formulating Chemist Tammy Lisi. This is her response to the growing trend of do-it-yourself hand sanitizers. Some of this is technical in nature, but to sum up, it is not a good idea, in her opinion.)

ChopSaver Lip Care and Medical Applications

ChopSaver Lip Care was invented by a trumpet player. That trumpet player happens to be me, Dan Gosling. I created it for people like me who use and abuse their lips while playing a brass or woodwind instrument. Medical Uses A few years after I developed it, I began to hear from Dermatologists. These Doctors […]

Marketing a Musical Lip Balm to Non-Musicians

Even though ChopSaver was originally created for brass and woodwind players, it really is for anyone who wants a lip care product that actually works and is willing to pay a little bit more. The challenge becomes, how to get that message out – that it’s not just a lip balm for musicians – without […]

Wisdom from Canadian Brass

I recently had the distinct pleasure of hearing the world-renowned Canadian Brass, both in performance and in a masterclass about being a musical entrepreneur. An entrepreneur can be defined as anyone who takes on a risk by starting something new, often in a business sense. Canadian Brass will celebrate 50 years as an organization next […]

Why People Love Marching Band

Recently, we posted the following question on Facebook and Instagram: Here are some of the best responses. “To travel, it’s fun to meet new people that have the same interests as you.” “As a marching band parent I think it amazing the way the kids learn an entire new pregame and halftime routine every year […]

Respect for the Music

First in a Series Recently, my wife Noelle (a professional violinist) and I spoke to the members of the New World Youth Symphony Orchestra. We talked about four pillars of respect that are required for excellence in any musical ensemble. The four pillars are: Respect for the Music Respect for the Conductor Respect for your […]

Marching Band and Drum Corps – what’s the difference?

Recently, I attended the opening night of the 2015 Drum Corps International season. Many of you are probably quite familiar with drum corps and what it is all about. A very good history lesson on DCI can be found here as well as on the Drum Corps International website. Perhaps one of the best ways […]

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