I created ChopSaver for musicians who play a wind or brass instrument and I am very proud of the fact that so many rely on it to help them actually perform better. A few years ago, we began to hear from dermatologists who were reporting fantastic results for their patients with dry lips, especially those who were taking the drug isotretinoin to treat their acne. While I continue to be amazed at the medical endorsements Gosling’s Original ChopSaver Lip Care is receiving, my amazement turns to humility when I receive messages like this:

“I love your product. I am a cancer patient. A new chemo made my lips react with cracking and dryness. My dermatologist at Dana Farber Cancer Institute recommended Chopsaver. It is the only product that helped! Also, after many years of using different lip balms, this is the only one that seems to HEAL. Thanks so much for creating this.”

B. Andrews

Or this review from Amazon.com:

“I have just finished radiation and chemo therapy for tongue cancer and have suffered horrendous dry lips and blisters. My lips are actually 90% better. It allowed me relief to sleep through the night. The petroleum based chap sticks and those with menthol and other concoctions just burned and made it worse. I can finally eat this morning. Thanks so much Dan Gosling for inventing this.”

S. Lewis

I created something in my kitchen for some brass players and now that same product is bringing real relief as the best lip balm for chemotherapy patients. Imagine that! The fact is, many cancer treatments like chemotherapy and radiation can cause severe dry lips and even blistering such as described by these people. ChopSaver is not a cure for cancer, but it does bring much needed relief for those who are fighting the disease. It is another reason why we keep doing what we do!

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