ChopSaver was one of 60 growing companies that were involved with this recent event in our hometown of Indianapolis, Indiana.
Soon after, we were fortunate to get a mention in the online version of the Indianapolis Business Journal.
It contained a reference to an old article in that same paper about ChopSaver when we first started out.
That article sent me down Memory Lane big time! It was a good chance to sit back and reflect on how far we have come. The article explains how we went from an idea to a product on the market in just under eight months! After seven years in a niche market, we feel ChopSaver is on the verge of a major breakthrough in distribution along with an expanded product line. Here are just a few highlights from the ChopSaver journey:

- May 2004: The idea for ChopSaver is sparked by a chance conversation about the amazing healing properties of the herb known as arnica.
- August 2004: Good for the Goose Products, LLC is established as the parent company of ChopSaver
- December 9, 2004: The product is launched at our first store, Paige’s Music, and on
- 2005 – 2008: ChopSaver gains endorsements of many of the greatest musicians in the world including trumpeting legend Arturo Sandoval and world renowned flutist Sir James Galway. ChopSaver is now sold in over 500 music retailers around the world.
- December 2006: ChopSaver is discovered by a small group of dermatologists as a superior lip moisturizer
- December 2008: A second product, ChopSaver Gold with SPF 15, is launched
- July 2009: After years of music conventions and trade shows, ChopSaver makes its debut at its first medical convention, The American Academy of Dermatology Summer Meeting
- 2010: ChopSaver is now sold in over 1000 stores around the world including nearly 100 physicians’ offices
- October, 2011: Our first mass retail partner, Kroger, begins selling ChopSaver in 120 stores in Indiana and Illinois.
All of this from an idea that started from a kitchen conversation and was subsequently created in that same kitchen! Like a roller coaster, the road has had enormous twists and turns and ups and downs. And also like a roller coaster, the ride is never boring! (Watch a video version of our journey here –